Skye Terrier

Skye Terrier
Terrier Group

Skye Terrier - General Information

Weight: 18 - 20 lbs

Height: Male: 10 Female: 9.5 inches

Color(s): Black, blue, gray, silver, fawn, or cream, preferably with black ears, muzzle, and tail tip. Adult color may not be present until 18 months.
Character: The Skye Terrier is polite, elegant, spunky, and bold. Their length is twice their height. They are agile and strong, sturdy and muscular. They are often referred to as the aristocrats of the farming breeds. The Skye has an engaging personality and is highly skilled.

Temperament: The Skye Terrier is fearless and sweet-tempered. They are friendly and loving to those they know, but are reserved and cautious with strangers. They are sensitive, but are not submissive. The Skye will only respect those who respect them. They are not outgoing and much prefer one on one relationships. They have a tendency to be obstinate and stubborn, but are exceedingly loyal and highly devoted to their owner. They often display an aloof demeanor, and do not have a demanding nature. The Skye is not recommended for homes with other pets or children. They thrive in a calm and reserved atmosphere. They are over-protective of their owner and territory and may bark or become aggressive if they perceive a threat.

Care: The Skye Terrier requires frequent brushing with a pin brush or metal comb to prevent matting. Bathing should only be done when necessary. It is important to keep the ears cleaned as well as the hair around the mouth and eyes. They Skye do not generally suffer from many health problems. However, they may be prone to slipped disk problems.

Training: The Skye Terrier requires intense and extensive early socialization training to reduce their aloofness. They do not do well with long and repetitive sessions for they will become bored. They respond best to firm boundaries, positive reinforcement, consistency, and loving direction. The Skye excels in tracking, obedience, and agility.

Activity: The Skye Terrier does not require a high level or amount of exercise. They are an ideal breed for city living, apartments, and condominiums, but are equally at home in a country setting. The Skye enjoys a daily walk or short play session. Many of their exercise needs can be met indoors.